Saturday, May 2, 2009

I am Not Very Good at Updating

So life is going well here in the Halvorsen Household. Aspen is quickly approaching the end of Kindergarten, Emma preschool, and Dylan well, she is just approaching her teenage years. The girls are really doing well in school and Aspen is making me prouder every day. She has really come far this year and I am so happy for the social butterfly that she is becoming. Emma is Emma, she loves to be in charge of everything and keep us guessing what is coming next. Dylan, who can forget the independent now 3 year old that makes her own peanut butter sandwiches, changes her clothing hourly, and just acts like she is the teen of the group.

We will be moving into my dream house the middle to end of June. I am ecstatic. After seven or eight moves since getting married in '96 I am ready to settle down and not move again. We will be up on the hill above the Bountiful Temple and have views from every angel. The house is going to be a challenge to clean since it is almost double the size of our current house, but we have storage so things had better find a place to live. I can't wait to start having friends up to visit and look forward to settling in to a new neighborhood and school.

Hope all is well. ABCDE Halvorsen

1 comment:

The Gentry's said...

Congrats on the final move coming up. Someday I hope that will be us too. I hope you post some pics so we can see it when you are in and settled :)